Pamukkale & Hieropolis- Turkey


P A M U K K A L E  &  H I E R O P O L I S


Hierapolis is an ancient Roman spa city founded around 190 B.C. Ruins there include a well-preserved theatre and a necropolis with sarcophagi that stretch for 2km. The Antique Pool also called Cleopatras pool, is famous for its submerged Roman columns as the result of an earthquake. 

Pamukkale Antique Pool is a natural wonder and UNESCO World Heritage site is located in the ancient city of Hierapolis. The warm mineral-rich “champagne water” that fills the pool sits just under 100°F and is believed to have therapeutic healing properties.

You do pay a fee on top of the price of admission but being able to swim between ancient columns and amongst the marble ruins in this beautifully historical warm, mineral infused water is not to be missed! 

This whole site is extremely large, we did an excursion which was approximately a 3.5 hour drive from where we were staying (a very early start 🤪) and we had 3 hours once we got in to explore alone and go where we wanted. We started off at the pool then took a walk past the museum to see the Pamakkule which stands for “cotton palace” an unreal landscape, made up of mineral forests, petrified waterfalls and a series of terraced basins. (Will share photos of this later) 

Once we had been in a few of the white basins, we grabbed an ice cream in the shade as it was so hot, and then walked around taking in the beautiful sites of the old ruins, up to the theatre. This was up hill and was a little hard with the heat & pushchair but we made it! 

Finally we stopped for some lunch on the way back which was included in the tour (and very delicious) then headed back ready for an early night! 

Oh it was also my birthday 🥳 I felt very blessed to be experiencing all this with my family 🤍 we had another early start the next day as had an all day boat trip. Safe to say we were fairly tired! 

Where is the most spectacular place you have visited? Let me know in the comments below!

Alexis x


Marmaris- Boat Trip- Turkey


M A R M A R I S   B O A T   T R I P


So we were meant to go on a boat trip on my actual birthday, however I changed the plans to do a different trip on my birthday (as it was the only day this specific trip was running) So we moved the boat back a day. This was still so lovely as they had all the balloons and a birthday cake which Jaime had arranged for us.

We got picked up by car which included in the boat trip cost, and got taken down to Marmaris old town which is where all the boats are for every trip. 

We had decided to hire the boat exclusively as I find this so much easier with the children and space, finding shade etc. 

The boat trip included a couple of stops at some very pretty bays, and a BBQ lunch, which was delicious and consisted of chicken, pasta and salad all freshly made on the boat.

We have done boat trips on most holidays so we do love a boat trip. The girls loved jumping off the back and swimming to the little beaches. It was such a lovely day! 

They also gave us a wonderful fruit platter which the children couldn't wait to dig in to!

Let me know your favourite place for boat trips in the comments below!

Alexis x


Marmaris Castle- Turkey


M A R M A R I S   C A S T L E


While we were staying in Marmaris I wanted to see some history and beautiful local places. I come across Marmaris Castle which was about a 40 minute walk along the beach or 5 minute taxi (we did taxi as was far too hot) Situated at the top of Marmaris old town was this love little castle. The castle has had to have some work done to it, meaning you can see where it has been re-made but there are lots of historical artefacts to see in the museums and huge marble statues, plus some of the old ruins still there. 

It was very cheap to go in around about £3 per adult and older children. We had to leave the pushchair at the entrance as there are lots of steep steps so it wasn't the easiest walking around with Cassius trying to run off. 

The views of the hills of Marmaris and the sea were just stunning. I definitely recommend a visit if you can. 

The town was very pretty too, we stopped for a drink at this beautiful Thai style bar (my favourite) it has a little wooden swing the girls loved, lovely coffee & cocktails, a water feature and a poole table which the girls and jaime played a few games on. It was called Budha Shisha Bar and they were so good with the children they even brought us some crisps, nuts and watermelon.

Right outside this was some little shops full of gifts and jewellery of the Turkish eye, and in the middle was the most amazingly hung white dreamcatchers and Turkish eyes. It was worth a visit just to walk this. 

We also noticed all the drains dotted around on the floor had pebbles and the Turkish eye in them which I loved! If you go see how many you can spot!

Alexis x
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